Wisconsin 2600

Friday, June 4, 2004
This meeting was a bit scaled down from many of the other meetings that have been held as of late. The room that we used in Mayfair was contained within a small basement maze in the depths of the mall. No wi-fi or internet was available. The events were low-key including some minor discussions of the most recent 2600 issue and general mischief. Those that attended included: Rosso, ww, dead_freq, AK_RAGE, alpha_dk, and eobanb. Hopefully there will be more in attendance at future dates or a venue change may occur again.

Meetings Now At Mayfair
Just a reminder; Milwaukee meetings are now at Mayfair Mall. They were previously held at Node Coffee (they were very nice to us). Ultimately we didn’t have enough room, peace and quiet, and the smoke started to get to some of us.

Our room at Mayfair is being provided to us for free–thanks AK! We don’t know if internet will be available, but we’ll try our hand getting 802.11 from the first-floor Apple Store and/or anywhere else that provides it.


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